Solar Inspections

Aerial images of solar panels provides valuable information in real-time. When analyzing thermal images, it is easier to identify potential problems across cells, strings, or panels. Capturing thermal and visual images helps you determine if the problems are heat related or caused physically damage to the panels. Early detection of problems with solar panels will help to prevent major output lost.

Roof Inspection

One of the main reasons for adopting drones for you business inspections is reduction in maintenance costs. Typically, inspections done by a ground team who inspect each problem by hand. This method can take days or weeks depending on the size of your project and it results in a large amount of man hours which significantly increases costs. Drones reduce inspection time by up to 70%

HVAC Inspection

Detailed Reports with the use of thermal and visual images, the data is run into our software to detect all problems. These issues are then tagged, geo referenced for location, and reviewed for your report.